Remembering Alan Arnot's contribution to Chelmsford

Former Chelmsford Lib Dem Councillor Arnot passed away in early January.
Alan was first elected as a Chelmsford Borough Councillor in 1979 for 4 years in South Woodham Ferrers. He was re-elected as a City Councillor in 2003 for another 12 years representing Patching Hall Ward. It was during this second term of office that Alan was elected Mayor of Chelmsford in 2010-11 and as Mayor, he raised over £30,000 for charity.
Alan was a wonderful, caring Mayor, with the perfect Mayoress in his wife Jackie, to represent the citizens of Chelmsford so well.
He was a kind and hardworking councillor, a lovely ward colleague and carried out roles within the local Lib Dems. He also had a range of other community interests, such as the local National Trust group and his international links (being a keen member - and some-time Chair - of the Chelmsford Town Twinning Partnership and linking with local French and German language groups).
He was a much-respected member of the Council and his local community who will be sorely missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him, and all send best wishes to his family.
See his memorial service here: